Select Project Descriptions
Blaine Marine Park Shoreline Rehabilitation Biological Evaluation. A Biological Evaluation was prepared to meet the requirements and criteria of the Endangered Species Act. This involves analysis of the potential project effects on listed species in the areas including killer whale, Chinook salmon, bull trout, Puget Sound steelhead, marbled murrelet, Canada lynx, and northern spotted owl. These analyses were coordinated with the project to improve shoreline access and ecological function through the reconstruction of degraded public shoreline and the removal on derelict concrete rip-rap.
Snorkel Survey and Electrofishing Sampling, North Fork Snoqualmie River, Black Canyon Hydro LLC. We provided field support to Whitewater Engineering Corporation for the completion of the Black Canyon Hydro Aquatic Resources Study Plan. This project seeks to develop a low impact “run of the river” small hydro-electric generating facility on the North Fork of the Snoqualmie River in King County, Washington. Initial work includes fisheries and aquatic ecological data collection . Field data collection involves snorkel survey to inventory trout presence, followed by electro fishing stream survey to validate snorkel survey data, followed by emergent juvenile trout spawner survey and long line sampling (fishing).
City of Lynden, NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Compliance Support. We are working with the City of Lynden, WA, to develop a Stormwater Management Program to meet the terms and conditions for all permit elements of the City’s newly issued municipal NPDES Phase II Permit as well as the Industrial Stormwater Permit specific to the Lynden Municipal Airport. This involves review of Phase II Permits, Nooksack River TMDL, Implementation Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and water quality data on Fishtrap Creek. A Quality Assurance Project Plan is prepared for fecal coliform monitoring to support the Nooksack River TMDL and created a timeline of necessary action items to facilitate budget planning. Other tasks include education outreach, staff training, annual report filing, drafting code revisions, analyses of outfalls and pollutant hotspot sources. Stormwater pollution prevention plans are being developed for City maintenance and storage facilities.
Squaxin Island Tribe, Streamflow Record Generation. Streamflow records for gaging stations maintained by the Tribe are being developed. Tasks include updating ratings and shifts using Aquarius Software, generating instantaneous and daily flows for 2013-2014 water years in annual report format, and conducting quality control reviews.
Fairhaven Park Trail Relocation Project. Recreation Northwest intends to sponsor trail improvements to City of Bellingham Fairhaven Park trails near the northern entrance to the Chuckanut Forest at Fairhaven Park in Bellingham WA. This involves relocating a popular trail out of a wetland area and placing it within a much drier area within the wetland buffer. Welch Ecological Services delineated, mapped and characterizes wetlands and prepared a buffer mitigation plan. The project is a partnership between the Recreation Northwest and the City of Bellingham.
Wetland Delineations and Critical Areas Assessment. We provide standard wetland delineations and critical areas assessment reports. We use standard methodology in the 2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. Typically we review and compile environmental information from readily available public domain resources to gain a general understanding of potential presence of wetlands and waterways at the site. Then we conduct a site visit to review vegetation, soils, and hydrology and prepare standard wetland data plot forms. Once wetland boundaries are flagged and mapped in the field, we categorize the wetlands in order to determine standard buffer set-backs according to local code and critical areas ordinances. We work with property owners to locate desired project features in order to avoid, reduce, and minimize potential impacts and regulatory requirements while also providing land-use desirability. For unavoidable impacts or for potential violation situations, we develop wetland and buffer mitigation plans. These typically involve enhancing critical areas with native plant species. Typically long-term monitoring is required. We provide as-built documentation and long term monitoring reports.
Snorkel Survey and Electrofishing Sampling, North Fork Snoqualmie River, Black Canyon Hydro LLC. We provided field support to Whitewater Engineering Corporation for the completion of the Black Canyon Hydro Aquatic Resources Study Plan. This project seeks to develop a low impact “run of the river” small hydro-electric generating facility on the North Fork of the Snoqualmie River in King County, Washington. Initial work includes fisheries and aquatic ecological data collection . Field data collection involves snorkel survey to inventory trout presence, followed by electro fishing stream survey to validate snorkel survey data, followed by emergent juvenile trout spawner survey and long line sampling (fishing).
City of Lynden, NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Compliance Support. We are working with the City of Lynden, WA, to develop a Stormwater Management Program to meet the terms and conditions for all permit elements of the City’s newly issued municipal NPDES Phase II Permit as well as the Industrial Stormwater Permit specific to the Lynden Municipal Airport. This involves review of Phase II Permits, Nooksack River TMDL, Implementation Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and water quality data on Fishtrap Creek. A Quality Assurance Project Plan is prepared for fecal coliform monitoring to support the Nooksack River TMDL and created a timeline of necessary action items to facilitate budget planning. Other tasks include education outreach, staff training, annual report filing, drafting code revisions, analyses of outfalls and pollutant hotspot sources. Stormwater pollution prevention plans are being developed for City maintenance and storage facilities.
Squaxin Island Tribe, Streamflow Record Generation. Streamflow records for gaging stations maintained by the Tribe are being developed. Tasks include updating ratings and shifts using Aquarius Software, generating instantaneous and daily flows for 2013-2014 water years in annual report format, and conducting quality control reviews.
Fairhaven Park Trail Relocation Project. Recreation Northwest intends to sponsor trail improvements to City of Bellingham Fairhaven Park trails near the northern entrance to the Chuckanut Forest at Fairhaven Park in Bellingham WA. This involves relocating a popular trail out of a wetland area and placing it within a much drier area within the wetland buffer. Welch Ecological Services delineated, mapped and characterizes wetlands and prepared a buffer mitigation plan. The project is a partnership between the Recreation Northwest and the City of Bellingham.
Wetland Delineations and Critical Areas Assessment. We provide standard wetland delineations and critical areas assessment reports. We use standard methodology in the 2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. Typically we review and compile environmental information from readily available public domain resources to gain a general understanding of potential presence of wetlands and waterways at the site. Then we conduct a site visit to review vegetation, soils, and hydrology and prepare standard wetland data plot forms. Once wetland boundaries are flagged and mapped in the field, we categorize the wetlands in order to determine standard buffer set-backs according to local code and critical areas ordinances. We work with property owners to locate desired project features in order to avoid, reduce, and minimize potential impacts and regulatory requirements while also providing land-use desirability. For unavoidable impacts or for potential violation situations, we develop wetland and buffer mitigation plans. These typically involve enhancing critical areas with native plant species. Typically long-term monitoring is required. We provide as-built documentation and long term monitoring reports.